Ministry and Prayer Training

We host various training events throughout the year.  Learning to discern God’s discernment.  See “Calendar” for specific dates.  Email for more information.

Every Sunday morning at 9:40 am, there is waiting time with God to hear His direction.  Everyone is welcome to join us and learn how to pray in a ministry team.

Engagement Project

A follow up to Del Tackett’s other worldview foundation teachings, The Truth Project, Is Genesis History, Cross Examine and more.
This study takes us on a journey to answer three key questions: Why did Jesus leave? Why does God Send? What is God’s Endgame?  This is a 10 week video driven + small group discussion course. 

How do I learn more?

Trailer Video:
The Engagement Project ~ Promo – YouTube
Go to and click on “The Engagement Project” section

What is the Engagement Project? – Truth Encounter Community (
Create an account to gain access to more resources and information.   View Sample Lesson:

WHO: Facilitator’s : Dan & Gay Zambrano
Host Church: The Light Christian Fellowship – Pastor David Hino

WHERE: Fellowship Hall of California Heights Baptist Church {door opens into parking lot}, 4130 Gardenia Ave, Long Beach, CA 90807

WHEN: Monday Nights @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm [videos are ~ 45-55 minutes long]
Begins Monday January 30, 2023  [last session will be Mon. April 3 rd] 

Sign UP: On Sign Up Sheet OR email us
With Pastors Gay (, David (, or Dan (